Protection of personal data

International Genealogy Services Belgium is required to collect and use certain information about individuals. These may include customers, suppliers, business contacts, employees and other people with whom the hereditary research bureau has a relationship or with whom it has to contact. This policy describes how this personal information must be collected, handled and stored in order to meet legal data protection standards.

Data Protection Legislation

International Genealogy Services Belgium carries out probate research in which due discretion and confidentiality are required. That is why International Genealogy Services Belgium attaches great importance to professional ethics. Probate researchers are committed to putting their professional knowledge at the service of genealogy research in its entirety. Within the framework of probate research, International Genealogy Services Belgium undertakes to use all its knowledge to trace the heirs and to draw up the correct heritage, but also to respect an absolute professional secrecy concerning the facts and information to which the genealogists have access. International Genealogy Services Belgium must conform to the « GDPR". This regulation concerns the management and security of personal data of European citizens. As of May 2018, we as a company must be able to demonstrate what personal data we collect, how we use this data and how we secure it. The full text of this "General Data Protection Regulation" can be found at the following link (

The Personal Data Protection legislation is based on eight important principles. This implies that personal data must be collected and used:

-be treated fairly and lawfully

-be obtained only for specific and legitimate purposes

-be adequate, relevant and not excessive

-be accurate and stay informed

-are held no longer than necessary

-processed with respect for the rights of the data subjects

-protect the data sufficiently

-not be transferred outside the European Economic Area (EEA), unless that country or territory also ensures an adequate level of protection

Probate research is a field of study that is constantly evolving and requires an excellent knowledge of all available sources of information. Moreover, genealogical research requires flawless management in order to process all files successfully and correctly. The protection and respect of your privacy is ensured by International Genealogy Services Belgium. Furthermore, International Genealogy Services Belgium strives to maintain good relations with its colleagues.

Data protection